- What you should already know
- Formatting conventions
- JavaScript/Browser support history
- Where to find JavaScript information
General-purpose constructorsTyped array constructorsError constructorsNon-constructor functionsOther- Arithmetic Operators
( + , - , * , / , % , ++ , -- , unary -, unary + ) - Assignment Operators
( =, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, ^=, |= ) - Bitwise Operators
( & , | , ^ , ~ , << , >> , >>> ) - Comparison Operators
( == , != , === , !== , > , >= , < , <= ) - Logical Operators
( && , || , ! ) - String Operators
( + and += ) - Member Operators
( object.property and object["property"] ) - Special Operators
- Conditional Operator
( condition ?ifTrue :ifFalse ) - Comma Operator
( , ) - delete Operator
( delete ) - function Operator
( function ) - get Operator
( get ) - in Operator
( in ) - instanceof Operator
( instanceof ) - let Operator
( let ) - new Operator
( new ) - set Operator
( set ) - this Operator
( this ) - typeof Operator
( typeof ) - void Operator
( void ) - yield Operator
( yield )
- Operator Precedence
Global statements: Global functions: Global constructors: Reserved wordsWords reserved for possible future useThe following are reserved as future keywords- implements
- interface
- let
- package
- private
- protected
- public
- static
- yield
CSS 1, CSS 2.1, CSS 3 Properties Reference2.1 = CSS Level 2 (Revision 1) only 2.1* = W3C CSS Level 2 (Revision 1) only 3 = CSS Level 3 only
HTML4, HTML5 Elements Reference4 = HTML4 only 5 = HTML5 only | CDN: Bootstrap CDN cdnjs CDN Google Hosted Libraries jQuery CDN jsDelivr CDN MaxCDN OSS Microsoft Ajax CDN JavaScript Style Guide: Airbnb JS Style Guide Google JS Style Guide Idiomatic JS Style Guide jQuery JS Style Guide Standard JS Style Guide JS Frameworks: Angular 2 (MV*) AngularJS, AngularDart (MV*) Backbone.js (MV*) Dojo Toolkit DoneJS, CanJS Ember.js (MV*) Ext Core Flight (MV*) jQuery (Cheatsheet) Microjs (micro FWs) MooTools Prototype React - Flux - Relay (MV*) script.aculo.us YUI Useful Libraries and Tools: AddThis API CKEditor CreateJS Cufón FB for Websites, FB SDK Google APIs, API Loader Google Tag Manager Head JS HTML5 Media html5shiv Chart.js Chrome Frame IE Pinning IE7.js jsPDF Lightbox for Bootstrap Lightbox, Lightbox2 Magic Toolbox matchMedia.js Modernizr Moment.js Passive Localization Raphaël RequireJS Respond.js retina.js SWFObject TinyMCE Editor Twitter Platform Underscore.js Web Font Loader yepnope.js Top jQuery Plugins: Autocomplete bgiframe bxSlider Colorbox Cookie Cycle, Cycle2 Easing FancyBox FitVids.JS FlexSlider Form Holder Hover Intent jCarousel Lazy Load Masonry Mousewheel noConflict Once Placeholder prettyPhoto SuperFish Validate Design: Angular Material AngularUI Blueprint Bootstrap CSS3 PIE D3.js Dust (templates) Foundation Fuel UX for Bootstrap FusionCharts Handlebars.js (templates) Highcharts HTML5 Boilerplate HTML5 UP Jasny for Bootstrap jQuery Tools jQuery UI Knockout UI Masonry Mustache (templates) Polymer Pure Semantic UI Sizzle Web Starter Kit Mobile and Phone (Cross-Platform): Apache Cordova (platform) Cocktails/Mojito DHTMLX Touch Dojo Mobile Flutter (platform), Dart (language) Intel App Framework Ionic (platform) jQuery Mobile Kendo UI Mobile Boilerplate NativeScript (platform) NeoMAD (platform) PhoneGap (platform) PhoneJS Progressive Web Apps - PWA Ratchet React Native (platform) Response for jQuery Sencha Touch Skeleton Titanium (platform) Xamarin, MvvmCross (platform) Node.js Frameworks and Libraries: actionhero.js (REST API) AVA (testing) Babel (compiler) Bower (package manager) Browserify (module bundler) Connect (HTTP framework) DocPad (site generator) Electron (cross-platform apps) Express (MVC) Grunt (build system) gulp.js (build system) hapi.js (MVC) Jasmine (testing) Koa (MVC) krakenjs (for Express) LoopBack (REST API) MEAN.io (full-stack platform) Meteor (full-stack platform) Mocha (testing) Node.js npm (package manager) Rendr (for Backbone.js) Sails.js (MVC rails-like) Sequelize (ORM) Socket.IO (real-time engine) total.js (MVC) Unit.js (unit testing) webpack (module bundler) Wintersmith (site generator) Yeoman (projects generator) ECMAScript DocumentsStandard ECMA-262 Standard ECMA-262 Archive
ECMA-262 Edition 3, December 1999 (.PDF file) ECMA-262 Edition 5, December 2009 (.PDF file) ECMA-262 Edition 5.1, June 2011 (.PDF file) ECMA-262 Edition 6, June 2015 (.PDF file) (Ed. 5.1 includes Ed. 5 errata fixes, no new features)
JS, HTML, CSS and AJAX DocumentsW3C HTML Reference W3C HTML5 Reference W3C CSS Reference W3C Scripting and Ajax W3C Document Object Model (DOM)
MDN HTML Reference MDN HTML5 Reference MDN CSS Reference MDN JavaScript
MDN Ajax Techniques
MSDN HTML/XHTML Reference MSDN Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) MSDN Document Object Model (DOM) MSDN JavaScript Language Reference
WebPlatform.org HTML WebPlatform.org CSS WebPlatform.org SVG WebPlatform.org DOM WebPlatform.org JavaScript WebPlatform.org APIs WebPlatform.org Accessibility
W3Schools.com HTML W3Schools.com HTML5 W3Schools.com CSS W3Schools.com AJAX W3Schools.com DOM W3Schools.com JavaScript
MeyerWeb.com CSS 1 Reference MeyerWeb.com CSS 2.1 Reference MeyerWeb.com Reset CSS
(Gecko) DOM ReferenceThis is the table of contents for theGeckoDOM reference. (W3C reference:Document Object Model (DOM)) HTML interfaces HTMLDocument (see alsodocument) HTML element interfaces- HTMLElement, directly implemented by:
<dd> , <dt> , <tt> , <i> , <b> , <u> , <s> , <strike> , <big> , <small> , <em> , <strong> , <dfn> , <code> , <samp> , <kbd> , <var> , <cite> , <acronym> , <abbr> , <sub> , <sup> , <bdo> , <center> , <address> , <noframes> , <wbr> , <noscript> , <noembed> , <header> , <footer> , <article> , <aside> , <section> , <nav> , <figure> , <figcaption> , <mark> , <ruby> , <rt> , <rp> - HTMLAnchorElement, implemented by:
<a> - HTMLAppletElement, implemented by:
<applet> - HTMLAudioElement, implemented by:
<audio> - HTMLAreaElement, implemented by:
<area> - HTMLBaseElement, implemented by:
<base> - HTMLBaseFontElement, implemented by:
<basefont> - HTMLBodyElement, implemented by:
<body> - HTMLBRElement, implemented by:
<br> - HTMLButtonElement, implemented by:
<button> - HTMLCanvasElement, implemented by:
<canvas> - HTMLDirectoryElement, implemented by:
<dir> - HTMLDivElement, implemented by:
<div> - HTMLDListElement, implemented by:
<dl> - HTMLEmbedElement, implemented by:
<embed> - HTMLFieldSetElement, implemented by:
<fieldset> - HTMLFontElement, implemented by:
<font> - HTMLFormElement, implemented by:
<form> - HTMLFrameElement, implemented by:
<frame> - HTMLFrameSetElement, implemented by:
<frameset> - HTMLHeadElement, implemented by:
<head> - HTMLHeadingElement, implemented by:
<h1> , <h2> , <h3> , <h4> , <h5> , <h6> - HTMLHtmlElement, implemented by:
<html> - HTMLHRElement, implemented by:
<hr> - HTMLIFrameElement, implemented by:
<iframe> - HTMLImageElement, implemented by:
<img> - HTMLInputElement, implemented by:
<input> - HTMLKeygenElement, implemented by:
<keygen> - HTMLLabelElement, implemented by:
<label> - HTMLLIElement, implemented by:
<li> - HTMLLinkElement, implemented by:
<link> - HTMLMapElement, implemented by:
<map> - HTMLMenuElement, implemented by:
<menu> - HTMLMetaElement, implemented by:
<meta> - HTMLModElement, implemented by:
<del> , <ins> - HTMLObjectElement, implemented by:
<object> - HTMLOListElement, implemented by:
<ol> - HTMLOptGroupElement, implemented by:
<optgroup> - HTMLOptionElement, implemented by:
<option> - HTMLOutputElement, implemented by:
<output> - HTMLParagraphElement, implemented by:
<p> - HTMLParamElement, implemented by:
<param> - HTMLPreElement, implemented by:
<pre> , <plaintext> - HTMLQuoteElement, implemented by:
<q> , <blockquote> - HTMLScriptElement, implemented by:
<script> - HTMLSelectElement, implemented by:
<select> - HTMLSourceElement, implemented by:
<source> - HTMLSpanElement, implemented by:
<span> - HTMLStyleElement, implemented by:
<style> - HTMLTableElement, implemented by:
<table> - HTMLTableCaptionElement, implemented by:
<caption> - HTMLTableCellElement,
- HTMLTableColElement, implemented by:
<col> , <colgroup> - HTMLTableRowElement, implemented by:
<tr> - HTMLTableSectionElement, implemented by:
<tfoot> , <thead> , <tbody> - HTMLTextAreaElement, implemented by:
<textarea> - HTMLTimeElement, implemented by:
<time> - HTMLTitleElement, implemented by:
<title> - HTMLTrackElement, implemented by:
<track> - HTMLUListElement, implemented by:
<ul> - HTMLUnknownElement, implemented by:
<bgsound> , <isindex> , <bq> , <nextid> , <multicol> , <spacer> , <noframes> - HTMLVideoElement, implemented by:
Media related interfacesThese interfaces are used for audio and video media related tasks. |